Supporting LGBTQ Students

Strategies for Faculty and TAs

  • Become familiar with UCLA’s Preferred Name Process and how Preferred Name will appear on both class and grade rosters
  • Provide space for students to disclose personal gender pronouns at the start of each course
  • Include LGBTQ histories and issues into your curriculum
  • Don’t place the burden of representation on students
  • Challenge –isms when they arise in class discussion
  • Locate the nearest gender-inclusive restrooms to your office or classroom so you will be able to give directions to students in need
  • Be cognizant of power structures and power dynamics
  • Include your personal gender pronouns in your email signature
  • Know campus resources to be able to refer students to the appropriate support services

Strategies for Staff

  • Incorporate pronouns structurally into meetings, programs, and forms
  • Mirror language
  • Don’t assume resource needs
  • Conduct a departmental review of your forms
  • Locate the nearest gender-inclusive restrooms to your office or classroom so you will be able to give directions to students in need
  • Include your personal gender pronouns in your email signature
  • Know campus resources to be able to refer students to the appropriate support services

Continuing Education Resources

Using Gender-Inclusive Language in Advanced Life Science Courses

Pronouns: A Resource for Educators

Best Practices for Supporting Trans Students on Campus

Purple Couch