Our Staff

UCLA LGBTQ Campus Resource Center

Professional Staff

Kevin Goodman

Assistant Director
Pronouns: he/they

Dr. Kevin Goodman is wearing a black suit and purple tie in front of a white background. Their hands are crossed, and they are smiling.

Jaime Estepa

Program Coordinator
Pronouns: he/they/siya

Jaime Estepa is in front of green hedges. They are smiling and wearing gold-rimmed glasses with gold hoop earrings. Their hair is parted off-center and combed down both sides of their face. They are wearing a blue sweater vest over a cream t-shirt.

Minerva ("Minnie”) Esquivel Gopar

Administrative Coordinator
Pronouns: they/she/elle/ella

Minnie Esquivel Gopar is wearing a magenta plaid button up shirt with a black tie. They are smiling while wearing glasses and with short hair on the sides and a combed hair on top. They are in front of the green hedges and rainbow pride flag outside the LGBTQ CRC.

Van Bailey

Transgender Advocate and Policy Analyst
Pronouns: he/they

Van Bailey headshot

Student Staff

Coming soon!