Undergraduate Organizations

Queer Alliance

Queer Alliance (QA) is a coalition of undergraduate student groups and serves as a space for all LGBTQ identifying individuals and allies. QA aims to build community and advocate on behalf of LGBTQ+ students.

Email: uclaqueeralliance@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uclaqa

Organizations Under Queer Alliance

Explore the numerous LGBTQ undergraduate student organizations housed under Queer Alliance below.

Afrikan Student Union (ASU)

Contact: TBD

Email: asugendersexualitycoordinator@gmail.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/ASUatUCLA/

ASU is exists to promote, protect, and serve the interest and educational rights of individual and collective needs of the Afrikan student body, and community within the context of the struggle for Afrikan liberation.

Asian Pacific Coalition

Contacts: TBD

Email: apc.ucla@gmail.com

Website: https://uclaapc.wixsite.com/home

Social Media:

As the Asian Pacific Coalition at UCLA, we are dedicated to dismantling systems of racial oppression and striving for collective liberation* through coalition building* with other communities of color. We are committed to creating programming that challenges us to deconstruct our perceptions of society and that is digestible and relevant to all members of our community, both returning and new. In doing so, we hope to continue the work of making our spaces more representative of all Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) narratives. And in an effort to be more transparent and intentional about the programming that we do, we’ve created a working list of values that we support and also a list of topics and ideas that we condemn.

*collective liberation - recognizing that our struggles are connected and actively dismantling systems of oppression

*coalition building - an alliance of groups with similar interests and values to achieve a common purpose together



  • Director Jayla Stokesberry
  • Co-Director Leilani Fu’Qua

Email: blaqueatucla@gmail.com

Website: https://uclablaque.weebly.com/

BlaQue is UCLA's Black and LGBTQ inclusive org, fostering a safe space for folks of all identities to come together and celebrate Blackness. Our main goals are retention, safety, and solidarity against bigotry.

Coalition for Queer Public Health


  • Co-president: Kathleen Kane
  • VP of Professional Development: Sophia Penella
  • VP of communications: Michelle Tabajonda

Website: https://www.facebook.com/Coalition-for-Queer-Public-Health-250887858285827

Email: cqph.ucla@gmail.com

Instagram: @cqph.ucla

We envision a world where LGBTQIA+ public health professionals are rooted in community and empowered as leaders.

Gamma Rho Lambda, Zeta Chapter

Contact: Wren Crapser

Email: zeta@gammarholambda.org

Website: https://www.facebook.com/zeta.uclagrl/

Gamma Rho Lambda is UCLA's only multicultural all-inclusive LGBTQIA+ organization on campus. GRL is founded on tolerance, diversity, unity and trust and supports and provides a space space for people of all genders. Sexualities, and diverse backgrounds.

HIV Counseling and Testing Coalition (HCAT)

Contact: Cara Cavarretta (she/her/hers)

Email: uclahcat.internalaffairs@gmail.com

Website: https://www.hcatucla.org/

HIV Counseling and Testing Coalition (HCAT) is a group of UCLA undergraduate and graduate/medical school students who are committed to reducing HIV and sexual health stigma.We aspire to empower and initiate change in communities affected by HIV through serving as HIV test counselors, and practicing cultural humility and cultural competency.

Kabalikat Kore

Contact: Angel Tolentino

Email: spucla.kabalikatkore@gmail.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/KabalikatKore/

Kabalikat Kore is the gender and sexuality component of Samahang Pilipino, providing community and support for LGBT+ identifying Pilipinx folks.

Lavender Health Alliance


  • President: Bernice Thambiraja (she/her)
  • Vice Presidents: Valerie Peña and Anika Dhingra

Email: lavenderhealthalliance@gmail.com

Social Media:

  • Instagram: @lavehealthalliance
  • Facebook: @LavenderHealthAlliance

Website: lavhealthatucla.wordpress.com

Lavender Health Alliance is dedicated to providing support, community, and resources for LGBTQ+ pre-health students and increasing awareness of inequalities facing LGBTQ+ folks in healthcare, higher education, and the sciences. LHA aims to build a community of LGBTQ+ or allied undergraduate and graduate students interested in our cause through mentorship and to provide related volunteer opportunities in the greater Los Angeles Area, both for the betterment of the community and for the development of academic and holistic excellence in future healthcare workers.

General Meetings are held on Mondays of even weeks at 6-7 pm at Bunche 3164.

OutWrite Newsmagazine

Contact: Jaden King (he/they)

Email: outwrite@media.ucla.edu

Website: www.outwritenewsmag.org

Social Media: @outwritenewsmag on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

OutWrite Newsmagazine strives to build a growing educational platform through a multi-media approach that uplifts and empowers the often silenced voices of the incredibly diverse queer community. We aim to challenge dominant cisheteronormative narratives through an unapologetically anti-queerphobic, anti-racist, and progressive lens.

Pride Admit Weekend (PAW)

Contacts: Rohan Tonk (he/him) and Yuerong Xiao (she/they)

Email: uclaprideadmit@gmail.com

Website: http://uclaprideadmit.weebly.com

Instagram: @uclapaw

Pride Admit Weekend is a student-run yield program for prospective students at UCLA who identify as LGBTQ+. PAW gives new admits the opportunity to explore and learn about Bruin life, connect to on-campus resources available to new admits and queer or allied students, and to learn more about the academic, professional, and social opportunities UCLA offers. We rely on current students to organize and host this event annually, and there are many ways to help out!


Contact: Beth Sturman, Rachel Dobbs, Arlene Reynolds, Kaitlin Ryan

Email: prismleaders@gmail.com

Website: instagram.com/uclaprism, https://www.facebook.com/uclaprism/

Prism is an LGBTQ+ Christian fellowship that welcomes people of all genders, sexual orientations, and religious backgrounds. We are a community that seeks to become deeply engaged in one another's lives and to help each other experience God wherever we are on our faith journeys.

Project 1

Contact: Meredith Yates

Email: ucla.project1@gmail.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/uclaproject1

Project 1 is part of Queer Alliance's Access and Retention Program. Our mission is to create sustainable pathways to higher education for LGBTQ youths in Los Angeles. Through mentorship, tutoring, community engagement and positive emotional development, we strive to educate students on LGBTQ issues and enable them to become agents of change in their communities.

Queer and Trans in STEM (qtSTEM)

Contact: Hannah Friedman

Email: qstem@ucla.edu

Website: https://www.instagram.com/queersinstem/

Queer & Trans in STEM is a professional and social community for LGBTQIA+ graduate and undergraduate students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The goal of QTSTEM is to promote diversity and inclusion and to bring together and empower the community.
Sign up for our mailing list: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzqF_i3JDPgLMOHONcgUVdrR5zzjYFn8DVqlFwAxlzUZ7-Rg/viewform

Queer Community Health

Contact: Ishita Monga and Smriti Nagarajan

Email: qch.ucla@gmail.com

Website: qchpublicrelations.wixsite.com/qch-ucla
Instagram: instagram.com/qch.ucla (username: @qch.ucla)
Facebook: facebook.com/qch.ucla/

Queer Community Health (QCH) is a student organization at UCLA that aims to create a safe space for queer folx to come together and address healthcare disparities within the LGBTQ+ community. QCH focuses on increasing access to different aspects of LGBTQ+ healthcare via educational workshops, basic services, and resources.

Mission: QCH's mission is to destigmatize and increase healthcare accessibility in the LGBTQ+ community. The organization aims to complete this mission through education and providing free, basic healthcare services.

Queer Peer Counseling

Contact: Catherine Zhang

Email: queerpeercounselingatucla@gmail.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/queerpeercounselingatucla

Queer Peer Counseling is a newly formed peer-counseling program formed under UCLA’s LGBT Center and Queer Alliance with the mission of providing LGBTQ+ and questioning folks with a safe space to access mentorship and take part in counseling resources in order to facilitate their transition to UCLA. Queer Peers differentiates itself from other peer counseling programs at UCLA in that it strives to provide more nuanced and culturally-aware support to current and incoming undergraduate students who may have needs more specific to the LGBTQ+ community.



  • Keshav Shukla (he/him)
  • Trisha Badjatia (she/they)
  • Nitya Upadhyayula (she/her)

Email: shaqtiucla@gmail.com

Social Media:

Inspired by the Sanskrit word for power and strength (“Shakti”), ShaQTI aims to create a safe, diverse, and inclusive space to empower South Asian students identifying as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. We are open to all students to find community, express themselves, build connections with one another through events/meetings/celebrations, and advocate for the upliftment of the LGBTQIA+ Community of Color on campus.

Transgender UCLA Pride (TransUP)


  • TBD

Email: transuclapride@gmail.com

Social Media:

Transgender UCLA Pride (TransUP) is a social space for trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, and gender questioning undergraduate and graduate students of the UCLA community.

We host bi-weekly meetings such as discussion spaces, game nights, and social spaces. We also have an informal social GroupMe chat for members to stay connected outside of meetings, or if people can’t make it to meetings. Email us to join our mailing list for meeting times and locations/links, or to join our GroupMe!

Transfer Pride Admit Weekend (TPAW)

Contacts: Briana Perez and Luka/Isa Monterrubio

Email: tpaw.ucla@gmail.com