Weekly Programs

Looking to get involved? Attend one of our weekly LGBTQ weekly and recurring programs hosted through the LGBTQ Campus Resource Center. Our weekly social programs are open to the entire UCLA community while our new Affinity Spaces are intended for students who hold those specific identities.

The LGBTQ Campus Resource Center will be continuing its weekly spaces for Fall Quarter 2024! *Please sign up using the interest form for further program details.* Many recurring spaces begin during Week 2 of the quarter.

We strive to provide affirming accessible events and opportunities for all community members. If you anticipate needing accommodations for an event, please contact our Program Coordinator, Jaime Estepa, at jestepa@lgbtq.ucla.edu.


Queer and Trans Black, Indigenous, People of Color (QTBIPOC) Affinity Space: Fridays 3 - 4 PM

A lavender flyer with a thin white line border and sparkles in the background. The headline text QTBIPOC SPACE is in caps down the flyer in text that is white, black, grown, light blue, pink, and white again. The body text is in a bubble that reads, "QTBIPOC is an intentional space to build community, envision and work toward our liberation, and have a chance to decompress and enjoy creative expression. This space exists as a disruption to the white classist hetero-normative standards of the institutions."

The QTBIPOC Space is an intentional space to build community, envision and work toward our liberation, and have a chance to decompress and enjoy creative expression. This space exists as a disruption to the White classist hetero-normative standards of the institutions we are engaging with and part of and creates a means of coalition building between QTBIPOC on campus and in community.
For more information, please contact Jaime Estepa at jestepa@lgbtq.ucla.edu Please sign up on the interest form for announcements and to submit accessibility requests.

Please sign up using the interest form for further program details.

Location: LGBTQ CRC

Ace and Aro Affinity Space: Wednesdays 2:30 - 4 PM

[At the center of the graphic is an ace of spades playing card, with the words, “Ace & Aro Space” written in all-caps. There is another ace of spades behind it. The text at the bottom reads, “A weekly dialogue space for anyone on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrums to socialize and build community.” The background is light purple, with a curving asexual pride flag and aromantic pride flag flowing through it. The UCLA LGBTQ CRC Rainbow Signature is in the top right corner.]

The Ace and Aro Space is a weekly dialogue and affinity space for anyone on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrums to socialize and build community. For questions, contact Omaia Olivas at oolivas@g.ucla.edu.

*Please sign up using the interest form for further program details.

Location: LGBTQ CRC Rae Lee Siporin Library

Queer Fandom Fanatics: Fridays 2 - 3 PM

[The weekly space, “Queer Fandom Fanatics” is at the center in bold, all-caps text with a purple shadow. At the corners of the text are speech bubbles with symbols in them, including a trident, Captain America’s shield, a video game controller, and a cute animal. The text underneath, in purple on a white background, reads, “Come geek out with us as we talk about all things pop-culture related through a queer, intersectional lens. The background is light purple.

Come geek out with us as we talk about all things pop culture related through a queer, intersectional lens. For questions, please contact Jaime Estepa (jestepa@lgbtq.ucla.edu). Please note that the LGBTQ Campus Resource Center has no affiliation with the franchises or creators of the franchise displayed on this graphic and does not endorse their personal beliefs.

*Please sign up using the interest form for further program details.

Location: Student Activities Center (sign-up for updates)

Queer Creative Writing Space: Bi-weekly on Wednesdays

A lavender flyer with graphic paper-like background. Black header text is overlaid on white crumpled paper that reads, “Queer Creative Writing Space.” A text bubble beneath the header reads, “For queer writers of all backgrounds and experience levels- join us to find your creative flow and  have fun on the page!” The LGBTQ CRC rainbow signature in white text is at the top right of the flyer.

The Queer Creative Writing Space meets bi-weekly during the academic year. This space is intended for writers of all LGBTQ+ backgrounds and experience levels who would like to stretch their creative writing muscles and meet other QT writers!

*Please sign up using the interest form for further program details.

Meeting location: LGBTQ CRC​​​​​

Bi-weekly Wednesdays from 4pm-5:30pm during even weeks starting week 4:

  • January 29th
  • February 13th
  • February 26th
  • March 12th

Stealth Trans Space: Monthly on Selected Dates

A square flyer with wavy gray lines and shape in the background. The text is in all black. The header reads, "Stealth Trans Affinity Group." An arrow from the header points down below to a text bubble at the bottom that reads, "Stealth Trans people choose not to inform other of their gender history. If you're stealth right now or interested in stealth, this is the place to be!" At the bottom of the flyer is the LGBTQ CRC rainbow signature.

Stealth Trans people choose not to inform other of their gender history. If you're stealth right now or interested in stealth, this is the place to be!

Location: All those who sign-up on the interest list will receive confirmation of the meeting location each month. Meetings are from 6pm-8pm.

Sign up for updates on Winter 2025 Meeting Times!